Tag Archive for: dermaplaning

I’ve had a few people approach me and ask my opinion on the “at home” dermaplaning tool. And because I am so passionate about the industry, and love dermaplaning, I thought I’d write a little blog to clarify. These tools seem to be trending and are being advertised as dermaplaning. The tinkle razor is in fact what it says, a razor. That’s all. And unfortunately people are being led to believe that it’s actually dermaplaning. It only removes surface hair.

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What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is the removal of the outermost layer of dead skin cells and vellus hair (peach fuzz). It is also highly effective in minimizing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and acne scarring, while leaving skin smooth, supple and vibrant. It creates the perfect smooth canvas for makeup application too! This blank canvas allows products and serums to penetrate deeper into the skin, showing great results.

Dermaplaning is performed with the use of a specialized sterile surgical instrument. After the skin is prepped, the Esthetician holds the skin taut, and gently scrapes the skin with the blade held at a 45 degree angle. An enzyme mask, as well as serum, moisturizer and SPF is applied after the dermaplaning. Read more